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윤남옥목사 자녀축복기도

6월 자녀 축복 기도 Parents' Prayers For June

2022.06.07 09:06

UGN 조회 수:5483

UGN복음방송 칼럼, 메누하 영성훈련원 원장 윤남옥 목사 자녀 축복기도

6월 자녀 축복 기도

Parents' Prayers For June

June 13  Hate what the Lord hates


There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies and a man who stirs up dissension among brothers. (Proverbs 6:16-19)


God of abounding grace, although we claim to love you, forgive us for the times our actions have displeased you. Those who truly love the Lord will follow his commands. Forgive us, Lord, for claiming to love you when we did not show it with our deeds.


May our children learn what is hateful to God so they may remember to never commit any of them. Lord, the Bible says that you hate haughty eyes, so please teach our children true humility that comes from the heart. Help them to remain humble even when they achieve great things. Keep them from arrogance, which is so despicable to you. Lord, the Bible says that you hate a lying tongue. Lord, let there be a guard over their lips so they may not lie. Keep them from the curse of false witnesses. May they never cause dissension among brothers.


Lord, those who obey your commands are those who truly love you. Help our children to remember your words in the Bible and to obey them fully so they may receive the blessings of obedience. We pray in Jesus' name, Amen.


June 14  Write them on the tablet of your heart


Keep my commands and you will live; guard my teachings as the apple of your eye. Bind them on your fingers; write them on the tablet of your heart. (Proverbs 7:2-3)


Lord, you find delight in guiding us in the way of your righteousness. Even when we are on the wrong path, thank you for your mercy and love that guide us to the right way. Thank you for this beautiful day. You know all the thoughts of our hearts. We have no fear when you are with us.


Lord, we pray for our children that you will bless them and uphold them with your hand. Lord, May our children engrave your words in their hearts from an early age, and help them to experience God's power and might through obeying his commands. May the Bible verses that they read today be written on the tablets of their hearts, so they may remember God's word when critical times call for wisdom.


We pray in Jesus' name, Amen.



June 15  More precious than silver


Choose my instruction instead of silver, knowledge rather than choice gold, (Proverbs 8:10)


Lord, you are our wonderful counselor and the banner of our victory. Thank you for this time with you through prayer. Thank you for providing for all of our needs and even our very breaths. Thank you for establishing the family where we can comfort and pray for one another.


Thank you for teaching us through the Bible that there is something more precious than gold or silver. Although we seek out the comfort and ease of this world which gold and silver can provide, you teach us in the Bible that the Lord's instruction and knowledge are more precious.


Help us to teach our children the value of these lessons. Help them to know that all the riches of this world will perish, but the Lord's instruction and knowledge will endure eternally. Help them to know that the riches of the world bring turmoil, but the instruction and knowledge of the Lord bring life. Help them to understand that God's instruction is higher and greater than the academic wisdom they learn at school. Guide them to seek and find what is of true worth and value.


We pray in Jesus' name, Amen.



June 16  Wisdom is more precious than rubies


for wisdom is more precious than rubies, and nothing you desire can compare with her. (Proverbs 8:11)


God of love, you teach us something that is more precious than rubies. You show us what is even more precious than silver or gold. Thank you for giving us your divine wisdom and instruction. They cannot compare with anything else.


Please teach our children also that there are things more precious than rubies and diamonds in this world. Give them the desire to sell all they have to gain these precious things from God. Although the people of this world pursue rubies, diamonds, gold, and silver, may our children pursue divine wisdom, instruction, and knowledge, which endure eternally.


Help us as parents to learn this first so we may teach our children through our example. Help us to lead God-centered lives. May the precious things of God also become precious to us. May what is despicable to God become despicable to us also.


We pray in Jesus' name, Amen.
