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윤남옥목사 자녀축복기도

6월 자녀 축복 기도 Parents' Prayers For June

2021.06.08 09:53

UGN 조회 수:15807

UGN복음방송 칼럼, 메누하 영성훈련원 원장 윤남옥 목사 자녀 축복기도

6월 자녀 축복 기도

Parents' Prayers For June

June 5  May their souls be joyful


For wisdom will enter your heart, and knowledge will be pleasant to your soul. (Proverbs 2:10)


God of wisdom, thank you for watching over us today in your wisdom. Thank you for giving our family joy at the end of the day.


You have taught us that knowledge is pleasant to your souls. The people of the world try to find happiness for their bodies and minds, but we thank you for helping us to find true joy in our souls through God's words. May the wisdom of God be abundant in our children's lives, and may they know the true joy that comes from the Lord.


Help them to value this true joy so they may not seek after instantaneous gratifications. Help them to realize that momentary bliss is not true joy.


We pray in Jesus' name, Amen.



June 6  May they win favor with God and man


Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man. (Proverbs 3:3-4)


Precious and holy Lord, thank you for loving us so much and for watching over us moment by moment. Thank you for giving us such beautiful and precious children. Thank you for teaching us your providence through caring for these children. It is from them that we receive the gift of laughter.


Holy Lord, you have taught us the way to win favor with God and man. May love and faithfulness never leave us. Let it be written on the tablets of our hearts. May we know the peace that comes from the Word of God. Please watch over our children as they sleep so they may have true rest in you.


We pray in Jesus' name, Amen.




June 7  Acknowledge God in all of our ways


in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. (Proverbs 3:6)


Gracious Lord, thank you for your grace today as we prepare to sleep. May the grace of our Shepherd be overflowing in our souls. Thank you for watching over us this first week of June while we were in school, on the street, and at home.


You have taught us that you want us to acknowledge you in all of our ways. Teach our children, even from their young age, to acknowledge the Lord in all of their ways and to listen to the Word of God. In doing so, help them to be led by the Lord in all that they say and do.


Thank you for providing us with clothing and our daily bread. Thank you for guiding us with wisdom when we are bewildered. Thank you for the night, because it is the time for us to rest. Let us rest peacefully in your heart tonight. Help us to acknowledge you daily in all of our ways.


We pray in Jesus' name, Amen.

June 8  Do not forsake wisdom


Do not forsake wisdom, and she will protect you; love her, and she will watch over you. (Proverbs 4:6)


Lord, we come before you with thanksgiving and praise. Thank you for watching over us today. Help our children to always remember the grace of God.


Lord, help our children to never forsake wisdom. Give them discernment to know what to keep and what to discard. Give them wisdom to keep the precious things. Although it may be worthless to the people of this world, help us to sell all we have to gain godly wisdom.


The Apostle Paul regarded fame and riches as losses, compared to God's grace. Help us to forsake the worldly things and keep the wisdom of God eternally. We ask that your protection and love will always abide with our children.


We pray in Jesus' name, Amen.
