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윤남옥목사 자녀축복기도

UGN복음방송 칼럼, 메누하 영성훈련원 원장 윤남옥 목사 자녀 축복기도

9월 자녀 축복 기도

Parents' Prayers For September

September 5  May they call God, Father


"This, then, is how you should pray: " 'Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, (Matthew 6:9)


Creator God, thank you for taking away the heat and for giving us cooling breezes in the mornings and in the evenings. Lord, you created the universe with your word. Thank you for not only forgiving us our sins and imparting to us your righteousness, but for calling us to be your children. Help our children to know this wonderful grace by knowing God as their ''Abba'' Father. Help them to know you as their loving Father, who is always near them.


Lord, sometimes we ascribe our earthly father's personality to our Heavenly Father, and see you in a distorted way. Have mercy on our weakness. Help our children to always remember that our Father God is the same yesterday, today and forever and that your love is everlasting. Our Father God gives us hope for the future and answers our cries for help. We want to live as God's children, who obey his word.


We pray in Jesus' name, Amen.

September 6 Keep us from babbling when praying


And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words. (Matthew 6:7)


Our Shepherd Lord, we thank you and praise you because you hear our prayers. Thank you for today and for the abundance of harvest. Give us knowledge that all of this comes from you. We pray for an abundant harvest for the farmers.


God of  love, help our children to learn how to pray. Teach them the prayer you taught your disciples, and help them to know what to seek in prayer. Keep them from the assumption that they will be heard because of their long prayers with many words, like the pagans. Guard them from babbling like pagans when they pray. May their time of prayer be a time of deep fellowship with God. May their prayers be a time of discerning the will of God. Help our family to pray according to God's will.


We pray in Jesus' name, Amen.


September 7  Help us to learn how to pray


"This, then, is how you should pray: " 'Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, (Matthew 6:9)


God of power, we want to live a life of power and victory through prayer. Although our children learn earthly wisdom from school, bless them also with the wisdom and strength of heaven. Help us as parents to set a good example in our prayer life. Help us to teach them the beauty of a life of prayer. We pray for our children to be people of prayer, strength, and the word of God.


Lord, you are our good teacher. Teach us how to pray just as you taught the disciples. Teach our children the basics of prayer, just as they learn the basics of reading at school. Teach them the correct way to pray so they may live a life of prayer. You taught us that Satan hates peoples’ prayers, because there is no weapon as strong as prayer. May our family prayers shake up Satan's world of darkness as we pray to our all  powerful God.  We pray in Jesus' name, Amen.


September 8  Holy is your name


"This, then, is how you should pray: " 'Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, (Matthew 6:9)


Holy God, we thank you and praise you because you have chosen us from the very beginning. Thank you for your loving care in the both the small and the great things in our lives. We thank you because only you meet all of our needs. Help our family to show non-believers the holiness of our God. Let us witness to others the grace with which the Lord cares for us.


Help our family to revere the holy name of God, and may his name be lifted high throughout our family. Guard our children from taking the Lord's name in vain in a godless society. May they sustain the holiness of God's name in their hearts. May our children become tools with which the name of God is revered in the presence of unbelievers. Grant them to experience the holiness of God through the Holy Spirit.


We pray in the holy name of Jesus, Amen.
